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Q: How many times does a swift beat its wings in 30 minutes?
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200 times

How many times per minute does a bee beat it wings?

Honey bees' wings beat 11,400 times per minute.

How many times does a hummingbirds wings beat per second?

A hummingbird's wings can beat up to 80 times per second.

If a housefly beats its wings 190 times a second then how many times do it beat its wings a minute?

190 * 60 = 1140, so a housefly must beat its wings 1140 times a minute.

How many times per second does a bumble bee beat its wings?

According to Wikipedia, they beat their wings approximately 200 times per second.

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How many times does a new zealand wren beat its wings per second?

It beats its wings 12 times a second

Approximantly how many times a per second does a honey bee beat its wings when in fight?

Honey bees beat their wings between 200 and 230 times a second when in flight.

How many times a does a red robin's wings beat a second?

A red robin's wings beat about 2.3 times per second. This is equal to about 138 beats per minute.

How many times will a butterfly beat its wings in 12 seconds?

A honey bee beats its wings between 200 and 230 times a second.A bumble bee beats its wings between 150 and 230 times a second depending on the size of the bee, with the smaller bees beating their wings faster.

How many times does a cardinals wings beat per minute?

50 times

How many times per minute does a honey bee beat it wings?

A honey bee can beat its wings up to 200 times per second, which translates to 12,000 times per minute. This rapid wing movement is essential for their flight and pollination activities.