4.125 times
12 times.
Sixty Eight times.
Rounded to an integer, 5.
4.125 times
7.625 times
Four times.
12 times.
Forty eight times.
Sixty Eight times.
An equivalent fraction to 3/4, using 64 as the denominator of the fraction, is 48/64, or forty-eight sixty-fourths.
8 times with 5 remaining or 8.625 times
Rounded to an integer, 5.
A yard is three feet, and a foot is twelve inches. Multiply twelve by three and you get forty-eight. Half of three is one and a half, so that would be eighteen inches. Add eighteen and forty-eight is sixty-six. One yard is forty-eight inches, and one and a half feet is eighteen inches. Thus, a one and a half yard is sixty-six inches.
110 times