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Q: How many times does jatropha is harvested per year?
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How many times a year does cotton yield?

an average of 17.0 million bales, harvested between July-November, each year.

Are particular spices grown at certain times of the year?

Some spices are harvested at different times of the year. However, often the plant you harvest the spice from grows all year round.

How many times can hay be harvested?

It depends on what kind of hay it is, whether it is alfalfa, clover, or some kind of grass. In most of the US, most hay fields are usually harvested three to five times per year for a period of three to 20 years, depending on the farmer's choice. Five to eight years is more typical, though, so a good average for most hay would be around 30 times.

How many times a year do strawberries bloom?

The number of harvests available with strawberries depends on the type of strawberry. Ever-bearing strawberries can be harvested normally twice a year. With an April planting ever-bearing strawberries can be harvested around June and again around August-September. But to get flavorful and good sized strawberries, you should remove the flowers as the appear on the plant stems. You will sacrifice the first harvest but you will be surprised at the following harvest.

Why are potatoes harvested?

They are harvested to be sold, eaten, stored, or tested.

How should parsley be harvested?

The root and seed of parsley should be harvested in the fall from plants in the second year of growth. The leaves can be harvested throughout the growing season.

How many times does Kilauea erupt a year?

Kilauea typically erupts multiple times a year. Some eruptions may be short-lived, while others can be more sustained. The frequency and intensity of eruptions can vary over time.

When are fruits harvested?

During their peak seasons. You know how sometimes certain things are out of season in grocery stores? That's because the fruit isn't ready to be harvested. Different fruits ripen at different times of year so it's not all in season at the same time.

When is rice harvested?

In northern climates, rice is usually harvested in the fall of the year. In warmer environments, there are harvests in the spring and fall.

Are potatoes planted or harvested at a specific time of the year?


What time of the year are pulses harvested in Australia?

early Autumn

Can you give a sentence using the corn?

The corn on his toe had got really bad. The corn harvested this year has been the best for many years.