7 times evenly.
Sixty is 300% of twenty. If twenty is 100% of twenty and 60 is three times twenty, then three times one hundred is three hundred.
one hundred twenty-eight
7 times evenly.
Sixty is 300% of twenty. If twenty is 100% of twenty and 60 is three times twenty, then three times one hundred is three hundred.
one hundred twenty-eight
Four times with seven remainder, or 4.26666...
one million, two hundred and twenty six times.
Twenty goes into 2,000,000 one hundred thousand times. This is because you divide 2,000,000 by 20, which equals 100,000. So, twenty goes into 2,000,000 100,000 times.
It goes twenty times.
Four goes into one hundred twenty-eight thirty-two times.If the worded numbers confuse you it's:128 / 4 = 32