7 times in the NKJV
The name 'Philadelphia ' is found 2 times in the King James Version (KJV) both in book of Revelations. It is located in Rev 1:1 and Rev 3:7. Philadelphia is one of the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelations.
Wine appears 231 times, from Genesis to Revelations
It is used eight times in four verses in the KJV of the Bible.
The word Church is not found after chapter 4 in the Book of Revelation
7 times in the NKJV
0 times
The name 'Philadelphia ' is found 2 times in the King James Version (KJV) both in book of Revelations. It is located in Rev 1:1 and Rev 3:7. Philadelphia is one of the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelations.
15 occurences
Wine appears 231 times, from Genesis to Revelations
It is used eight times in four verses in the KJV of the Bible.
Resident evil revelations comes out in febuary 7 2012.
The word Church is not found after chapter 4 in the Book of Revelation
Hell on Wheels - 2011 Revelations 1-7 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:16
Revelations in Black has 272 pages.
how many times is the number 7 in the bible
7 times