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Q: How many times man inhale in 24 hours?
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How many days are in 7000000 man hours?

That depends on how many men there are. If there is 1 man, then he does 7,000,000 man-hours of work in 7,000,000 hours, or about 798 years of continuous work. If there are 1,000 men, then they do 7,000,000 man-hours of work in 7,000 hours, or about 292 days of continuous work. If there are 100,000 men, then they do 7,000,000 man-hours of work in 70 hours, or about 2.917 days of continuous work. The problem we have with this question is that a "man-hour" is not a unit of time.

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65 man-hours

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24,000 hours

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yes very only if you inhale it though it depends

Eight workers can build a cabin in 60 hours. How many workers are needed if the cabin is to be built in 32 hours?

Since we are given no information to the contrary, the following discussion assumes that all men are created equal, and every worker accomplishes the same amount of work in the same amount of time. Since 8 workers can build a cabin in 60 hours, the job comprises (8 man) times (60 hours) = 480 man-hours of labor. That doesn't change. Now however, 480 man-hours of labor must be completed in 32 hours. The number of workers required to accomplish this is (480 man-hours) divided by (32 hours) = 15 man.

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