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Q: How many times must you do something before you learn?
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How many times do you have to hear something before you believe it?

You have to hear something about 7 time to learn it. But it is different for everyone, for me I have to hear thing about 8-9 times to to learn it.

How many times do you have to do something before you remember it?

My perspective is that you need to repeat something 17 times before you trigger your memory and know it automatically when asked.

Do you feel like you've lived the same day many times before?

I did many times before, like when I did something or someone talked about something last time, it does the same thing. -~-

How many times do you have to eat something before you like it?

7. Definitely 7.

How many times do you have to repeat something before you remember it?

The number of times needed to remember something varies depending on the individual and the complexity of the information. Generally, repeating something multiple times, spaced out over time, can help with memory retention.

How many times do you have to see a word to memorize it?

Most people have to repeat something twenty times or more to memorize it -- not just see it but concentrate and try to learn it.

Doing something many times?

doing something many times ------ce

How many times does it take for a 6th grader to memorize something?

Most people need to hear or repeat something 20 times in order to really learn it - check out some of the Learning Tips questions to find ways to memorize things faster!

How many times do you need to say a word for it to be part of your vocabulary?

The average person needs to hear something twenty times before they truly learn it. To make a word part of your vocabulary, you should use it as often as you can - look for ways to use it in conversations, write it down, look for it on a sign or listen for it in conversations around you. You don't have to actually count how many times you have used it, because then you are thinking about the number and not the word!

How many times until is impolite to ask for someone to repeat something?

You may ask twice before it is considered rude.

How do you remember English spellings?

The best way to learn to spell is to practice - go over the word as many times as it takes until you remember the spelling. Most people need to focus on something at least 20 times before they can remember it, but it may take longer depending on how hard you work at it. Try this study tip, too.

How many times is 'learn' used in the Bible?

Some form of "learn" (-ed, -ing) appears almost seventy times in the King James translation.