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Q: How many times of cell division does the zygote need so as to become the eight-cell embryo?
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How is an embryo produced?

An embryo is produced through the process of fertilization, where a sperm cell from a male fertilizes an egg cell from a female. This results in the formation of a zygote, which then undergoes cell division and development to become an embryo.

What type of division occurs to produc an embryo plant from the diploid zygote?


What normally happens after fertilization in sexual reproduction?

After fertilization, the zygote is formed, which then undergoes cell division and development to form an embryo. The embryo will continue to grow and eventually mature into a new individual.

What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed?

The type of division that occurs to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote is called mitosis. During mitosis, the zygote undergoes multiple rounds of cell divisions, resulting in the formation of an embryo with multiple cells that are genetically identical to each other.

What is a another name for zygote?

One would think it's embryo but a zygote is not a embryo yet, it is the early stage of what will become a embryo. Zygote is the word used and you can use the word cell since a zygote is the initial cell formed after a sperm and egg have joined. After 1 week it has transformed into a embryo.

How does a zygote develop into a full-term fetus?

After fertilization, the zygote undergoes rapid cell division to form a blastocyst. The blastocyst implants into the uterine wall and develops into an embryo. Over the next nine months, the embryo grows and undergoes various stages of development to become a full-term fetus.

What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant the diploid zygote formed after fertilization?


What type of division occurs to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed after ferilization?


What type of division occur to produce an embryo plant from the diploid zygote formed after fertilization?


How does zygote develop to become an embryo then a fetus?

I dont freaking know

How do babies become embryos?

Babies don't become embryos, it's the other way around. A fertilised egg becomes a zygote, a zygote becomes an embryo, an embryo becomes a foetus, a foetus becomes a baby.

What sequence best represents sexual reproduction in order?

1. gametes - zygote - fertilization - embryo 2. fertilization - zygote - gametes - embryo 3. zygote - gametes - fertilization - embryo 4. gametes - fertilization - zygote - embryo answer is 4. gametes-fertilization-zygote-embryo