once a year
4380 times (365x12) leap year: 4392 times (366x12)
Members of the United States House of Representatives are elected to serve 2-year terms. Members of the U.S. Senate serve 6-year terms.
525,600 minutes are in one year. Multipliy 365 days times 60 minutes times 24 hours
The same number of times as anyone else.
at least once a year
493 times a year in texas the legislative meets
on january third every odd numbered year
on january third every odd numbered year
They meet every other year
Members of the Senate do in fact serve six year terms and there are no limits to how many times they can be elected. There have been some attempts made over the years to limit the number of times they can be elected.
Texas legislators can meet at other times of the year when summoned by the governor for special sessions.
It would depend which country you are referring to.
congress must meet AT LEAST once a year. -Article 1, section 4
The legislative bodies of the United States meet in the US Capitol. The House of Representatives and US Senate meet there in sessions each year.