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Q: How many times smaller is the value of the 5 in 152079 than the value of the 5 in 508634?
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The larger of two numbers is 8 more than 4 times the smaller if the larger number is increased by four times the smaller the result is 40. From this statement, we can calculate the values of the numbers where you get the value of the larger number to be 24 and that of the smaller number to be 4.

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The pattern appears to be that 2 is 27 times smaller than 55, so following the same logic, 6 would be 27 times smaller than the missing value. Therefore, 6 is to 162 as 2 is to 55.

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You can actually divide 800 by 2 an infinite number of times. The value of the quotient will just keep getting smaller but will never actually get to zero.

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The 0, in the tens' place has a value of 0. The digit 1 is in the thousandths' place - a much smaller place value but, its value is 1 times a thousandth, which is bigger than 0.

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Moving from a smaller value to a larger value.

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Moving from a smaller value to a larger value.