To determine how many times 0.8 will go into 26, we need to perform a division operation. Since we're dealing with a decimal, we can convert 0.8 to a fraction by writing it as 8/10 or 4/5. Then, we divide 26 by 4/5, which is equivalent to multiplying 26 by 5/4. This calculation results in 32.5, meaning 0.8 will go into 26 approximately 32.5 times.
26 can go into 115 four times with a remainder of 11.
26 will go into 990 thirty-eight times evenly.
Exactly 26 times
26. 3*26 = 78
13 times.
26 times
26 can go into 115 four times with a remainder of 11.
26 will go into 990 thirty-eight times evenly.
Exactly 26 times
26 goes 13 times into 338.
26. 3*26 = 78
13 times.
1.8462 times.
Well, darling, 15 goes into 390 a total of 26 times. It's simple division, honey, nothing to lose sleep over. So, grab a cup of coffee, do the math, and go conquer the world.
8.5 times.
To determine how many times 26 goes into 165, you would perform division. 165 divided by 26 equals 6 with a remainder of 9. Therefore, 26 goes into 165 exactly 6 times with a remainder of 9.
13 times.