16 times with a remainder of 5
Exactly 245 times
One million times greater.
Well, honey, 48 goes into 245 a total of 5 times with a remainder of 5. So, technically, it goes in 5 times exactly, but there's a little bit left over at the end. Math can be a real party pooper sometimes, can't it?
1, 5, 7, 35, 49, 245
16 times with a remainder of 5
Exactly 245 times
40 with a remainder of 5
5 with remainder 20.
Well, honey, if you want to divide 245 by 5, you'll get 49. But if you're asking how many times 5 can physically fit into 245, well, that's a whole different story! Just remember, math is your friend, but sometimes it's more fun to think outside the box.
6 goes into 245 40 times with a remainder of 5.
1225 ÷ 5 = 245
I would divide 5 into 245 by doubling 245 and then dividing by 10: 245 x 2 = 490 490 ÷ 10 = 49 ⇒ 5 divided into 245 is 49. To divide 5 into 245, the normal method is: Work from left to right: 5 doesn't go into 2 5 goes into 24 4 times, remainder 4 5 goes into 45 9 times. so 5 divided into 245 is 49. This would normally be written something like: ......... 49 .....------ . 5 | 245 ...... 20 ...... --- ........ 45 ........ 45 ........ --- .......... 0
It's 10 times greater.
One million times greater.
Well, honey, 48 goes into 245 a total of 5 times with a remainder of 5. So, technically, it goes in 5 times exactly, but there's a little bit left over at the end. Math can be a real party pooper sometimes, can't it?
1 x 245, 5 x 49, 7 x 35 = 245