To find out how many times 9 can go into 215, you divide 215 by 9. The quotient is the result of this division. In this case, 9 can go into 215 23 times with a remainder of 8.
23.8 times ;
215 ÷ 2 = 107 with remainder 1 or 107.5 times.
Exactly 43 times !
71/6 times
215 ÷ 2 = 107 with remainder 1 or 107.5 times.
23.8 times ;
How many times does 39 go into 1.95
Five times.
Exactly 43 times !
To find out how many times 9 can go into 215, you divide 215 by 9. The quotient is the result of this division. In this case, 9 can go into 215 23 times with a remainder of 8.
71/6 times
238/45 times.
4.89 times or 4 times with a remainder of 39.
6 times, there's a remainder of 23
Well, let's take a moment to appreciate the beauty of numbers. You see, 215 is much larger than 16, so it won't go into 16 at all. But that's okay! Each number has its own special place and purpose, just like each brushstroke on a canvas adds to the masterpiece.
30/43 = 0.6976744186046511627906976744186....