Ore - Tons Refined - Ounces Jewellery - carats
Your Mother
There are normally three syllables in the word "Oregon": "ore-eh-gon", according to some people.
It is the one sided distance traveled by a vehicle in a cycle of working. This term is used in mining for one sided distance traveled by the dumper in process of dumping of overburden (from the ore body to the dump) or dumping of ore(from the ore body to processing plant/stack yard).
The parts are arm vertex and ore
That probably depends on the type of ore.
The average weight of iron per cubic meter is 2500 kilograms. Therefore 46 cubic meters of iron equal to 115 tons in mass (115 000 kilograms). However, the density of iron varies. There are conversion tables on internet. If you know the density of ore-iron it will become easier to find out the volume to mass ratio more accurately.
One cubic yard of iron ore typically weighs about 2.5 to 3 tons.
Yes, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one cubic meter of ore will require mining three cubic meters of waste rock.
you multiple the cubic tonnes wuth the specific gravity. for example the specific gravity of copper ore is 3 therefore one cubic meter of the ore weighs 3 tonnes per cubic meter you multiple the cubic tonnes wuth the specific gravity. for example the specific gravity of copper ore is 3 therefore one cubic meter of the ore weighs 3 tonnes per cubic meterA cubic metre is a unit of capacity. A tonne is a unit of mass. The two units are therefore incompatible.
On average, it takes about 5 tons (10,000 pounds) of ore to produce one ounce of gold. The amount of ore needed can vary based on the gold content in the ore and the efficiency of the extraction process.
The Mount Whaleback mine produces around 40 million tons of iron ore each year.
Overburden tons/ore tons
The electricity necessary to turn iron ore into steel varies, with the quality of the ore and the process used. With the advent of energy efficient equipment, the energy intensive process has decreased energy costs 50% since 1975.
They have about 72 tons of iron ore reserved but are currently using it as well
The Edmund Fitzgerald was carrying approximately 26,116 tons of iron ore when it sank.