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Q: How many toothpicks are made in one year?
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How many rectangles can you make out of 12 toothpicks?

2 rectangles. Put two toothpicks on 2 sides and one on the other side, and that uses 6 toothpicks and if you make another rectangle like that you make 2 rectangles.

How can you take 9 toothpicks and make ten without breaking the toothpicks?

Arrange the 9 toothpicks thus: 7 + 3

How would you make a model of The World Trade Center?

i made one out of popsicle sticks one time and it turned out well. toothpicks were too hard

Can you make 2 exact triangles using exactly 9 toothpicks?

If one of the nine toothpicks is the common base of the two congruent isosceles triangles with sides formed by two toothpicks.

How many toothpicks do you need to make a scale model of the Brooklyn bridge?

It depends what scale you wish to build it to.

How many eraser are made in one year?


How many quads are made in the US in one year?

around 50,000 quads are made in the US every year

How many broken toothpicks do you need to spell fat?

Just one if you break it into small enough pieces. (see related question)

What stores in Boise sell flavored toothpicks?

One store located in Boise that sells flavored toothpicks is Zurcher's. The store sells just about everything for a party.

How do you make 2 squares using 10 toothpicks?

Start with a 2x2 square (that uses 8 toothpicks) Use the other two to make a 1x1 square in one of the corners of the big one..

Toothhpicks in a drawing have been arranged to from four square remove two of the toothpicks and leave only two squares?

Remove one of the outer toothpicks and one of the dividers of two squares. there you have two SQUARES .