In one century there are 36,524 days. However, years that can be divided by 100 but not 400 are not leap years. Therefore, one century out of four will actually have 36,525 days.
Using Julian calculations, I believe the answer is 36,525 days. In the Gregorian calendar, every 4th century has 36,525 days; the rest each have 36,524 days.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
A century has 100 years, and a year has about 365 days.
250 total days.
There are 36524 days in a regular century (like the 21st century) and 36525 days in a leap century (like the 20th century).
36525 days
Using Julian calculations, I believe the answer is 36,525 days. In the Gregorian calendar, every 4th century has 36,525 days; the rest each have 36,524 days.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
A century has 100 years, and a year has about 365 days.
uhh..days! there are seven days in a week so however many weeks there are theres that many days times seven!
250 total days.
There are 12 leap years in 50 years (1/2 a century) each with 366 days. 366 times 12 equals 4,392. Now take 12 away from 50 and you get the number of normal years: 48. 48 years times 365 days equals 17,520. Now add leap-year-days plus normal-year-days. The total is: 21,912.
182500 days, 1 century equals 100 years, which equals 182500 days.