Using Julian calculations, I believe the answer is 36,525 days. In the Gregorian calendar, every 4th century has 36,525 days; the rest each have 36,524 days.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
A century has 100 years, and a year has about 365 days.
250 total days.
There are 36524 days in a regular century (like the 21st century) and 36525 days in a leap century (like the 20th century).
36525 days
Using Julian calculations, I believe the answer is 36,525 days. In the Gregorian calendar, every 4th century has 36,525 days; the rest each have 36,524 days.
There are 36525 days in a century. Ignoring Leap Years: the average (mean) length of a year is 365.25 and there are one hundred years in a century.365.25 × 100 = 36525 days
A century has 100 years, and a year has about 365 days.
uhh..days! there are seven days in a week so however many weeks there are theres that many days times seven!
250 total days.
There are 12 leap years in 50 years (1/2 a century) each with 366 days. 366 times 12 equals 4,392. Now take 12 away from 50 and you get the number of normal years: 48. 48 years times 365 days equals 17,520. Now add leap-year-days plus normal-year-days. The total is: 21,912.
182500 days, 1 century equals 100 years, which equals 182500 days.