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Q: How many total number of edges of a pyramid that has 6 edges?
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Related questions

How many edges are on rectangular pyramid?

a rectangular pyramid has a total of 8 edges

How do you find the total number of edges in a pyramid if you are givin the base?

divide it by how many sides it has

Total number of sides of a pyramids face is 20 how many edges does the pyramid have?

it has 80 that is the answer

How many edges does a heptagon pyramid?

A pyramid with a heptagonal base will have seven edges at the bottom, and seven edges around the circumference, so 14 edges in total.

How many eadges does a pyramid have?

It depends on the base of the pyramid. To find it, add the number of edges of the vertices is of the base to its number of edges. Example: for a square pyramid, there is 4 vertices and 4 edges in the base. The Edges of the pyramid is then 4+4 which equals 8.

How many number of edges the the square pyramid has?


How many edges does an octagonal pyramid have?

16 edgesThere are 8 edges around the base and 8 edges from each vertex of the base to the top of the pyramid giving a total of 16 edges.

How many edges do a pyramid have?

a pyramid has 8 edges

How many edges does a right rectangular pyramid have?

Total Eight edges; four vertical and four at bottom.

How many faces and edges do a triangular pyramid have?

4 faces, and 4 edges, 8 in total * * * * * 4 faces, 6 edges.

How many edges does a pyramid have that has an n-gon base?

n+1 : one is the n-gon, the others are the pyramid "sides".* * * * *The above is the number of faces. The number of edges is 2n.

How many edges for a pyramid?

8 edges * * * * * Not necessarily. A triangular pyramid has 6 edges. A heptagonal pyramid had 14 edges and so on.