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Q: How many trace lines can be drawn for the plane 2x 4z 5?
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Given plane A and point C which is not on plane A How many lines can be drawn through point C that are perpendicular to plane A?


For 3 non collinear points how many straight lines can be drawn?

3 lines and one plane

How many lines can be drawn out of 14 points on a plane with no 3 or more points collinear?

There are 91 lines.

How many lines can be drawn in one point?

Infinite lines can be drawn from a point

How many lines can be drawn through two fixed points?

In Euclidian or plane geometry, there can be only one line through two fixed points. Lines cannot actually be drawn; if you see it it is not a geometric line. If the points are on a curved surface as in a geometry that is non-Euclidian, then there can be infinitely many lines connecting two points.

How many unique pairs of parallel lines can be drawn on a plane?

An infinite number, because there are an infinite number of slopes with an infinite number of y-intercepts.

What is a sketch plane?

sketch mapa rough map of the principal features of a locale, as one drawn from memory. a map drawn from observation (rather than from exact measurements).

How many lines can be drawn through any two lines?

Infinitely many.

How many lines of symmetry can be drawn in a hexagon?

5 lines is symmetry

How many imaginary lines are there?

There are infinitely many imaginary lines, as they can be drawn in any direction from any point in a two-dimensional plane.

How many lines of symmetry can be drawn in an equilateral triangle?

3 lines of symmetry.

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