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A dodecahedron need not have any triangular faces.

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Q: How many triangles does a dodecahedron have?
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What are the faces on a dodecahedron shaped like?

dodecahedron has 12 triangles as faces.

How many different regular polyhedra?

Five. They are:Tetrahedron (4 triangles)Cube (6 squares)Octahedron (8 triangles)Dodecahedron (12 pentagons)Icosahedron (20 triangles).

What is a 3D shape using a pentagon called?

Dodecahedron. The 5 "Platonic Solids" are: Cube/ 6 square sides Tetrahedron/ 4 triangles Rhomboid/ 8 triangles Dodecahedron/ 12 pentagons Icosahedron/ 20 triangles

Dodecahedron has triangular faces?

A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with 12 faces. There are 6,384,634 topologically distinct convex dodecahedra with 8 or more vertices. A hexagonal bipyramid, a dodecadeltahedron, a triakis tetrahedron are examples of dodecahedra all of whose faces are triangles. There are many more dodecahedra in which some, but not all, faces are triangles.

How many sides does a dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron has 12 sides.

How many angles does a dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron can have 8 to 20 vertices.

How many vertex dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron can have 8 to 20 vertices.

How many vertices does a dodecahedron?

a dodecahedron has 20 vertices and 12 faces

How many parallel faces does a dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron has 0 parallel faces

How many virtices a dodecahedron has?

A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with between 8 and 20 vertices.

How many faces does a dodecahedron?

Every dodecahedron - not just an average one, has 12 faces. It can have as few as 8 vertices.

How many 2d shapes are in a dodecahedron?

A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with between 18 and 30 faces.