

Best Answer

4. 1 at the bottom and 3 joininq on to it. Simples.

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Q: How many triangles make up a triangular based pyramid?
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What 3d object can you make using 4 triangles?

A tetrahedron or triangular pyramid.

What does 3 triangles and 2 rectangles make?

It makes a Triangular Pyramid.

How do you make triangular base pyramid?

make a square base with the four sider make 4 triangles that are on eachside

How do you use a 4 pattern block triangles to make a shape that is not polygon?

If you arrange them in the form of a tetrahedron - a triangular pyramid.

Which 2D shapes will be required to make the net of a triangular pyramid?

It will look like a 2D equilateral triangle if it is a triangular based pyramid which is called a tetrahedron.

What is the similarities of a triangular prism and a pyramid?

They are both 3d and they both form triangles on the sides to come up and make a point

How can you form four equilateral triangles with six toothpicks of equal length?

Think in 3-dimensions and make a tetrahedron (a triangular pyramid).

How can you make 4 equilateral triangles with 6 stick when the sticks are already in 2 triangles and you can only move one?

Sort of depends on how the two triangles are beforehand. One nice way to make four equilateral triangles from six matchsticks is to make a tetrahedron (a triangular pyramid).

Does a square based pyramid have a perpendicular?

Yes. They have perpendicular bisectors in the four triangles that make up four of the five sides of a square-based pyramid

What are the special features of a square based pyramid?

It has a four sided square base and four other triangular sides reaching up to an apex. It is a pentahedron. If the four triangles are equilateral, it is known as a Johnson solid, and six of the pyramids will fit together to make an exact cube. If the four triangles are not equilateral, then they are isosceles.

Why does 6 toothpicks make a triangular pyramid?

Because a triangular pyramid has 6 edges

What 3 dimenional shape can you make using 4 triangles and 1 square?

you can make a square based pyramid using 4 triangles and a 1 square