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Q: How many typed words are there in one line?
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How many typed words in 1 megabyte?

1 megabyte = 1,048,576 bytes1 word = 2 bytes1,048,576 / 2 = 524,288524,288 words make one megabyte

How many words is in one typed page?

It depends on your font size and margin size, line spacing, and header footer lines etc. About 500 words per page (12pt single spaced text) is a rough figure.

Using 10 phont letters how many typed pages is 2500 words?

about 3. in size 10, 800 words is about one page.

How many typed pages equal 1000 words?

In a normal page there are 25 lines & hence if only 4 to 5 words is written in one line then also it will completes in a single page.

What is the slash inserted between proofreading marks?

In editing a line of type containing more than one error, an editor makes editing marks on the typed line and shows corrected type on available space beside the typed line, using a slash to separate the corrected elements.

How many syllables does the word line have?

words normally have as many syllables as vowels, but in this case not! line has 1 syllableLine has one syllable in it.

Is 96 words typed in 3 minutes 160 words typed in 5 minutes?

To work this sort of question out you need to find out how many words are being type in ONE minute. 96/3= 32 words a minute. Therefore in 5 mins you would type 32 * 5 = 160 words So the answer to your question is YES, typing at a speed of 96 words in 3 mins. is the same speed as typing 160 words in 5 mins.

One gigabyte is equal to how many pieces of paper?

If two hundred words are typed on a page it takes an average of 8 kilobytes of digital space. One gigabyte would equal about 125 million pages.

What is the most words typed in one minute?

136 set by some kid in first period a few years ago

What tag places a carriage return on your webpage?

The <BR> tag is used to insert carriage returns on your web page. For ex: This is line one <BR> This is line two The above text when pasted into a HTML page will get displayed as: This is line one This is line two The <BR> tag has added one carriage return on the web page though we typed the whole text in one line.

How is typing speed determined?

Typing speed is measured in Words Per Minute (WPM). For measuring purposes, a "word" is five characters long. If you use software to learn typing, the software calculates the rate.

Is C language strongly typed or weekly typed?

The C language is considered strongly typed by many, and is considered weakly typed by others.While the C language requires each data item to be declared with a specific type, which qualifies it as a strongly typed language in the views of many, the rules of cross-type assignments are lax. For example, assignment of one enumerated value to a variable designed for a different enumeration is accepted without error.