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According to Turban (Turban, 2010) there are two: Problem solving and opportunity exploiting.


Turban, E. (2010). Information Technology for Management (7th ed.). New Jersy: Wiley Publishing.

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Q: How many types of managerial decisions are there?
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Managerial decision types?

There are two types in connection with the managerial decisions , they are :- 1. Vertical managerial decision , 2. Horizontal managerial decision. 1. Vertical managerial decision this means that the decisions are taken vertically that is from top level to bottom level. The top level managers will take the decisions and pass it towards the middle level and thy will pass it to the bottom level , there will be no consideration for the bottom level managers to play in the decision making process. The power will vested only with top levels. 2. Horizontal managerial decision here the top level managers will consider the ideas and suggesion from the bottom level before taking a decision.

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How important are managerial decisions in relation to controlling?

Management accounting provides the necessary information where we can assist the important ways in managerial decisions and controlling.

Managerial economics is an art or science.explain?

Both! The ideas and concepts behind managerial economics all have a scientific basis. Some managerial decisions made using managerial economics can employ scientific explanations. On the other hand, many managerial decisions made using the concepts of managerial economics are very subjective. One must, for example estimate the intentions of competitor firms. While some of this is scientific, some of it is luck and some of it is an art.

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discuss the importance of measuring variability for managerial decision making

How is statistics applied in management?

Statistics has huge application in business and these are used to help in taking managerial decisions by the managers. Moreover, there are many statistical formulas which make too much convenience in taking managerial decisions. They are also helpful in calculating GDP of a business or state.

How the elasticity of demand affect managerial decisions?

Elasticity of demand affects managerial decisions because the demand of a product changes with the wrong business decision. Managers must be careful about what they choose to do with their products.

What are the three types of managerial roles?

The three types of managerial roles from Henry Mintizberg are informational role,interpersonal role and decisional role.

Who takes all the decisions in india?

its simple the managerial health professionals

define managerial economics?

Managerial economics is an applied field of economics that focuses on the use of economic analysis and techniques to solve business decisions. It combines economic theory with managerial practice and focuses on the microeconomic aspects of an organization, such as demand analysis and pricing, production costs, and investment decisions. Managerial economics applies microeconomic analysis to specific decisions in order to optimize outcomes and maximize profits. It also considers the macroeconomic environment in which a business operates, such as global economic trends and government regulations. Managerial economics provides a framework for understanding how businesses interact with their environment and make decisions that will impact their long-term success.

Types of managerial information system described?

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What are some different types of managerial careers?

what are some different types of managerial careers