following are the theories of selling1) AIDAS2) right set of circumstances3) Buying formula4) Behavioral equation
The bible is the top selling book for many many years now.
A theory is the result of many, many tests and observations.
AIDAS theory, the buying formula theory of selling, the behavioral equation theory and the right set of circumstances theory. AIDAS is an acronym for Attention, Interest, Desire, Action and Satisfaction
Discuss in detail the theories of selling with its uses in personal selling.
There are two main types of selling situations. They are service selling and developmental selling and both can be carried out in person, over the phone, or on the Internet.
David Ogilvy
The two largest selling types of memory integrated circuits are DRAMs and SRAMs.
Liberal Feminism and Radical Feminism are some types pf the feminist theory.
There are 19 different types of selling strategies. These strategies are cold calling, consultative selling, direct selling, guaranteed sale, needs based selling, persuasive selling, hard selling, heart selling price based selling, relationship selling, target account selling, solution selling, Sandler Selling System, Challenger Sales, action selling, auctions, open source selling, free promotional give away sales, and personal selling.
system management chaos theory freedom-based management theory contingency theory
There have been many fossils of intermediate types discovered that provide strong support for the theory of common descent.
Linkin Park's Hybrid Theory
Hybrid Theory
hybrid theory