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They need their 6 in one and rabies once a year.

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Q: How many vaccinations does an 11 year old have to take at their physical appointment?
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Related questions

Who needs to take vaccinations?

Anyone who needs it or is offered it.

Why did Thomas Malthus oppose vaccinations?

Thomas Malthus was opposed to vaccinations because he believed that population should be left to a means higher up. Population, in his mind, would take care of itself and overpopulation by means of vaccinations was not natural.

When do you have to get your cats their needles?

If you mean it's vaccinations, then take it to a vet to see when it needs it.

What vaccinations does an eagle need?

None, Eagles are wild birds and take care of themselves

What kinds of vaccinations do you have to take in Germany?

Influenza,Tetanus-diphtheria,Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR

Do Mormons take drugs?

No, drug use is generally forbidden. They do use medications and vaccinations and the like.

Many people take part in physical activity to?

biopsychosocial factors determining physical activity

Can one take the H1N1 vaccine while infected with the H1N1 virus?

You can take the vaccine but it will not stop the disease. Vaccinations prevent disease but they do not cure them.

What do they do at the appointment before you have the contraceptive implant taken out?

I have no idea. There's no medical need for a "pre-removal" appointment to take out the contraceptive implant.

Why do you have to take vaccines before travelling to another country?

Other countries may have diseases that your home country does not have, so even if you had vaccinations when you were a child, you may still need other vaccinations to travel safely to other countries.

When are you supose to take your cat to the vet?

Always take a new pet to the vets for a check up. Kittens should go when they are 8-9 weeks old for their first vaccinations (and second vaccinations a few weeks later), then yearly for booster vaccinations. A mid-year check up is also advisable, to catch any dental disease or problems early and give preventative care. Take your cat to the vet any time when they have any problems, look unwell or are not 'themselves'.

How do you avoid mandatory vaccinations like the possibly upcoming vaccine for swine flu?

Just say you wont take it.