There are are 1,000,000 MILLIMETERS in a kilometer.
1000 meters are in a kilometer
1 kilometer = 1000000 millimeter
1 kilometer=100,000 centimeters
1 kilometer=100,000 centimeters
To turn the dynamo in order to make electricity.
By attaching a fan in the dynamo and rotating the fan and connecting one end of wire in the dynamo and another end in a bulb which helps in glowing of bulb by using the power of dynamo.
If it was large enough! :)
To make a dynamo, a small hobby motor is needed. The small hobby motor is then mounted on a board of wood and then connected to a bigger wheel. The handle is then fixed and the motor connected to a voltage regulator.
There are are 1,000,000 MILLIMETERS in a kilometer.
1000 meters are in a kilometer
Early Monday morning, no one feels like a dynamo.
It takes 1000 meters (not 100) to make a kilometer.
1 kilometer = 1000000 millimeter