not possible cause rectangle is a 2D not a 3D figure. it has 4 sides and four right angles at its vertices.
there are 4 vertices in a rectangle.....
A pentagonal pyramid, A rectangle based dipyramid, A triangular prism.
A rectangle has 4 edges (also called vertices).
Rectangles are 2-dimensional figures- they lie in a plane- they have four vertices There really is no such thing as a 3D rectangle. If you mean a rectangular prism, it has 8 vertices, 4 on each of its two parallel faces.
not possible cause rectangle is a 2D not a 3D figure. it has 4 sides and four right angles at its vertices.
A rectangle has 4 vertices and 4 sides
I believe a cubic rectangle has four vertices
8 vertices
there are 4 vertices in a rectangle.....
A pentagonal pyramid, A rectangle based dipyramid, A triangular prism.
A rectangle has 4 edges (also called vertices).
there are 8 vertices.
A rectangle has 4 vertices and 4 right angles.
It has 4