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A dodecahedron pyramid does not exist.

However, a dodecagon pyramid exists. If a dodecagon has 12 sides, there would be 12 vertices. But all the vertices would join up to make a vertex, making one extra vertex. 12 + 1 = 13

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Q: How many vertices does a dodecahedron pyramid have?
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How many vertices does a dodecahedron?

a dodecahedron has 20 vertices and 12 faces

How many vertices faces and edges does a dodecahedron?

A regular dodecahedron has 20 vertices, 12 faces and 30 edges. A dodecahedron can also be a endacagon based pyramid which has 12 vertices, 12 faces and 22 edges, or A decagon based prism which has 20 vertices, 12 faces and 30 edges, or one of many other configurations.

How many faces edges and vertices does dodecahedron?

A regular dodecahedron has 20 vertices, 12 faces and 30 edges. A dodecahedron can also be a endacagon based pyramid which has 12 vertices, 12 faces and 22 edges, or A decagon based prism which has 20 vertices, 12 faces and 30 edges, or one of many other configurations.

How many angles does a dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron can have 8 to 20 vertices.

How many vertex dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron can have 8 to 20 vertices.

How many faces does a dodecahedron?

Every dodecahedron - not just an average one, has 12 faces. It can have as few as 8 vertices.

How many virtices a dodecahedron has?

A dodecahedron is a polyhedron with between 8 and 20 vertices.

How may vertices's does an dodecahedron have?

A regular dodecahedron has 20 vertices. But there are other forms of dodecahedra. A rhombic dodecahedron, for example, has 14 vertices.

How many Vertices does dodecahedron?

The number of vertices ranges from 8 to 20.

How many faces and vertices does a dodecahedron?

89 vertices and 444 faces

How many corners does a dodecahedron have?

A dodecahedron has 20 corners/vertices, 30 edges and 12 faces.

How many vertices does a square pyramid and triangular pyramid?

Square pyramid : 5 vertices. Triangular pyramid : 4 vertices.