The question cannot be answered since there is no such word as "verticle" or "verticles". A vertex (plural = vertices) are corners where three or more faces of a solid shape meet. Vertical is an adjective which refers to something which whose orientation is up-down. The term is sometimes used for lines or faces that go up-down. Clearly, the answer will depend on which meaning your word is meant to refer to.
It is a cube or a cuboid that has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces
according to my subject the answer is five(5) verticles
The question cannot be answered since there is no such word as "verticle" or "verticles".A vertex (plural = vertices) are corners where three or more faces of a solid shape meet.Vertical is an adjective which refers to something which whose orientation is up-down. The term is sometimes used for lines or faces that go up-down.Clearly, the answer will depend on which meaning your word is meant to refer to.
If the closed lunch box can be approximated by a cuboid, the answer is 6 faces, 8 vertices (not verticles) and 12 edges.
it has 5 verticles
It is a cube or a cuboid that has 8 vertices, 12 edges and 6 faces
according to my subject the answer is five(5) verticles
The question cannot be answered since there is no such word as "verticle" or "verticles".A vertex (plural = vertices) are corners where three or more faces of a solid shape meet.Vertical is an adjective which refers to something which whose orientation is up-down. The term is sometimes used for lines or faces that go up-down.Clearly, the answer will depend on which meaning your word is meant to refer to.
it has 6