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Q: How many volts of electricity are used per year?
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What is wind electricity used for?

It is normal electricity but can be used for other things too. oh year by Emily smith

Which year did electricity first come in the world?

I want to know the year, the electricity was used for the first time.

How much electricity does Mexico use every year?

Mexico is the 18th largest electricity consumer worldwide, with 200.9 billion kWh of electricity used each year.

What percentage cost has electricity increased over the last year?

Because you have used more electricity....

How much electricity does a farm use a year?

The amount of electricity that is used on a farm in a year will vary depending on the size of the farm. It averages about 35,000 kilowatts per year.

What is the amount of electricity used in the US each year?


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How many people in a year ask the question what is electricity?

An estimated thirty thousand ask the question, "What is electricity" in a year. The nature of the question, however, varies by who is asking it; children ask as a part of schooling, whereas many adults ask in attempt to derive electricity's many connotations.

What is an electricity monitor used for?

An electricity monitor is used as a way to keep track of how efficiently the electricity is being used in the home or work environment. These are more popular now as they can save families hundreds of pounds every year from their energy bills.

In 1948 there was no electricity what happend?

There was plenty of electricity that year.

How much would 310 watts of power cost at 120 volts?

To find the cost of using 310 watts of power at 120 volts, you need to know the cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour. Divide the wattage by 1000 to convert it to kilowatts (310 watts = 0.31 kW). Multiply the kilowatts by the number of hours used to get the total kilowatt-hours, then multiply by the cost per kilowatt-hour to get the total cost.

what is the oldest gas or electricity?

3000 year old electric batteries have been found in the middle eastthe greeks knew of static electricity 2000 years agogas was first used for lighting in 1850selectricity was first used for lighting in 1880s