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New energy star models are about 470 kWh per year.

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Q: How many watts does an average fridge use?
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How many watts are in a frigidaire?

On average, a Frigidaire or refrigerator uses around 600 watts. This is assuming that the fridge is an average to large size, and not a tiny fridge that would use less power.

Fridge draws 65 watts on 240 volts how many kwats does it use?

To convert watts to kilowatts, divide by 1000. In this case, the fridge uses 0.065 kilowatts (65 watts / 1000).

How many watts does the average freezer use?

The average freezer uses around 100-400 watts of electricity, depending on its size and efficiency. This translates to about 2.4-9.6 kWh per day, or around 876-3504 kWh per year.

How many watts does an average washer use?

an average washer uses around 850 watts some expensive ones uses around 1000 watts

How many watts are in a refrigetor-?

There are usually around 600 watts of power in use in the average sized refrigerator. In a smaller under the counter or over the counter model of fridge, this wattage will be much smaller.

How many watts a fan can use?

As many as the designer likes, but the average table fan uses about 20 watts.

How many watts to operate 12 volt caravan fridge?

It depends on the specific model and size of the fridge, but typically a 12-volt caravan fridge can range from 40 to 100 watts when operating. It's important to check the fridge's specifications to know the exact power consumption.

How many watts does a MT80 engel fridge use?

I have read it can be ran off an 100watt solar panel. It uses .7-3.3 amps.

How many amps does a 60 watt fridge use?

To calculate the amperage used by a 60-watt fridge, you would divide the power (in watts) by the voltage of the outlet it’s plugged into. For example, if the fridge is plugged into a 120-volt outlet, the amperage would be 0.5 amps (60 watts / 120 volts = 0.5 amps).

How many watts an lg LCD television use?

Depends on the size of the TV. Between 50 to 150 watts is average.

How many watts does a kettle use?

an average typical one would use1800

How many watts does a portable fan use?

The average household fan used in US or Canada is about 35-50 watts.