According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the highest suicide rate by country is found in Lithuania.
The best thing you can do for someone who is thinking of committing suicide is to be there for them. Listen to everything they have to tell you, and let them know that you are able and willing to help.If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, see the Related Questions below for ways to get help. There are trained, qualified counselors who are willing to listen and help you.
you just shoot yourself in the head
Committing suicide means a person is in the act of taking their own life or killing themself.
Borderlines are incapable of committing suicide.
Suicide is Never the solution.
By committing suicide.
Adolf Hitler.
by committing suicide after the battle of Phillipi.
No, suicide never will help you and it is a mortal sin to kill yourself.
There is not a great deal the authorities could do to punish you for committing suicide.
You can't be charged with committing suicide. You are dead. While still technically a crime in many places, the act of ATTEMPTING suicide usually results in being placed into psychiatric care, not criminal charges. *Note that this answer doesn't attempt to address the far more complex issue of the criminal repercussions of assisting a third party in committing suicide.
If they do it properly, only once. They are essentially committing suicide.