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The first thing to do is to work out how many ways there are without those 2 people minding. There are 5 possibilities for first place, 4 for second and so on, so the number of ways is 5x4x3x2x1 = 120.

The next step is to work out how many of these possibilities have the two people sitting next to each other. There are 4 ways in which two people can sit next to each other. For each of these ways there are two possibilities, one with one person on the right, and the other with them on the left. For each of these 8 ways, there are 3x2x1=6 ways the other people could have sat. So there are 8x6=48 invalid ways in total.

120-48 = 72

So there are 72 ways 5 people can sit in a row if 2 of them insist on not sitting together.

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Q: How many ways can 5 people sit in a row if 2 of them insist on not sitting together?
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