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There are 9*8*7 = 504 ways.

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Q: How many ways can a president vice president and secretary be chosen for a committee of 9 people?
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Actually, she was not elected. She was "appointed"-- chosen by the president to be in his cabinet. (President choose the people they want for their cabinet, and then the senate has to confirm them.) Mrs. Clinton was chosen to be Secretary of State during President Obama's first term.

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There are a number of people who answer to the president (any US president, not just President Obama). In some cases, he appointed them: these include the members of his cabinet, such as the Secretary of State, Secretary of Defense, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Secretary of Commerce. The Attorney General also answers to the president. And while the Vice President was elected along with the president, it is customary for the vice president to also answer to the president.

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Xi Jinping (pinyin: Xí Jìnpíng, pronounced [ɕǐ tɕînpʰǐŋ], born 15 June 1953) is the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, the President of the People's Republic of China, and the Chairman of the Central Military Commission. As General Secretary, he is also an ex officio member of the CPC Politburo Standing Committee, China's de facto top decision-making body. see related link

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The president of the United States is chosen by the people of the United States. An election is held every four years for the citizens to vote for their next president.

How do people get to serve in the cabinet?

They have to be chosen by the president himself.

Who are the next six people in line to take presidency after the president dies?

Vice President Speaker of House of Representatives President Pro Tempore of Senate Secretary of State Secretary of treasury Secretary of Defense

Who becomes president of the US when the president should die?

There's a whole line of people just in case more than just the President dies. Here's the list in order of succession: 1. Vice President 2. Speaker of the House 3. President Pro Tempore of the Senate 4. Secretary of State 5. Secretary of Treasury 6. Secretary of Defense 7. Attorney General 8. Secretary of the Interior 9. Secretary of Agriculture 10. Secretary of Commerce 11. Secretary of Labor 12 Secretary of Health and Human Services 13. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development 14. Secretary of Transportation 15. Secretary of Energy 16. Secretary of Education 17. Secretary of Veterans Affairs 18. Secretary of Homeland Security

If the president were to die who would be the first four people to take over?

If the US President were to die the first four people in line to take become President would beThe Vice-PresidentThe Speaker of the House of RepresentativesThe President Pro Tempore of the SenateThe Secretary of State

Who is responsible for the foreign policy of the US?

The Secretary of State and the President. But ultimately it ought to be the people (and I mean people, not corporate business interests) because we elect the President and Senate who choose and confirm the Secretary of State.

How many different ways can a president vice president and a secretary be chosen from a group of 15 people?

The answer is 15 * 14 * 13 = 15 P 3 = 780 IF you assume that no one person can hold two offices at once and that all in the group are qualified for any office.

Who assumes the office of president if something happens to the president or vice president?

According to the Presidential Succession Act of 1947, if the President of the United States is incapacitated, dies, resigns, is for any reason unable to hold his office, or is removed from office (impeached and convicted), people in the following offices, in this order, will assume the office of the President, provided they are qualified as stated by the Constitution to assume the office of the President, which means they have to be must be at least 35 years old, must be a natural-born U.S. citizen, and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years.Vice President * Speaker of the House* President Pro Tempore of the Senate* Secretary of State* Secretary of the Treasury* Secretary of Defense* Attorney General* Secretary of the Interior* Secretary of Agriculture* Secretary of Commerce* Secretary of Labor* Secretary of Health and Human Services* Secretary of Housing and Urban Development* Secretary of Transportation* Secretary of Energy* Secretary of Education* Secretary of Veterans Affairs* Secretary of Homeland Security