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40C5 in mathematical language.

This corresponds to factorial (40) divided by [ Factorial (40-5) into factorial (5)] or

40 x 39x 38x 37 x 36 / 5x4x3x2x1

or 658008

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Q: How many ways can a teacher arrange 5 students in the front row of a classroom with a total of 40 students?
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What percent is 44 out of 47?

To find the percent of a number, arrange the number as a fraction. Use the "formula" of is/of. This means, the number that has the 'is' in front is the numerator (the number on top). The number that has the 'of' in front is the denominator (the number on bottom). is/of 44/47= 0.93617 To find the percentage, simply multiply the decimal by 100 0.93617 (100) = 93.617%

What metric unit would you use to measure the distance between the front of the classroom and the back of a classroom?

I would use a yardstick, a foot ruler, a tape measure, a meter stick, or a laser rangefinder to make the measurement. After I knew the distance, I could convert it into any convenient unit in order to describe it or report it to others. The most convenient metric units would be either meters or centimeters.

Name something a teacher can do to ruin a student's day?

ANSWER: As we know, teachers are the second parents of our children away from us. But when it comes to doing something to a student if he or she done something, the only right thing a teacher can do is give that student a time out in front of the class, or send that student to the Principle office. Other than that, not a thing.

What does 0.4 the decimal mean?

It means 4 tenths, but my teacher did teach us a easy way to do decimals 0.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and so on what ever is on those ten decimals are you put the zero in front of them thats how i remembered it when i was in 4th grade

In which type of front is the flow of air on both sides of front almost parallel to the line of the front?

A warm front ^wrong answer^

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If teacher is peeling an orange at the front of the classroom where in the room are the molecules from the orange least concentrated?

In the back row of students

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Melinda's biology teacher in the book Speak is Mr. Neck. He is passionate about his subject and engages his students in hands-on learning experiences.

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How was a Victorian classroom set out?

A typical Victorian classroom was set out with rows of desks facing the front where the teacher's desk was located. The students' desks would be arranged in a strict manner based on grade level and gender, with boys and girls often segregated. The room would be bare of decorations and students were expected to sit in silence and follow strict discipline.

What is the t zone in classroom learning?

This relates to the action zone in the classroom. Research completed by Adams and Biddle (1970) said that the most verbal interaction between students and teachers occurred with students in the front row and in the centre of the room (where they can get the most eye contact with the teacher). This has been challenged on many occasions though with recent studies indicating that it is more complicated than that.

What is a black board used for?

A black board is used as an instructional tool at the front of a classroom. A teacher uses a blackboard to write information about the subject they are teaching to a classroom.

Does talking at the front row of a middle school classroom effect overall GPA?

Fine sir, of whom I do not know; if what you ask is if students talking in the front row of a school classroom is a hinderance to the the class, then OF COURSE IT IS

How do teachers demonstrate leadership in their classroom?

Teachers demonstrate leadership in their classroom by setting clear expectations, providing guidance and support to students, fostering a positive learning environment, and encouraging collaboration and critical thinking. They also serve as role models, promote a growth mindset, and empower students to take ownership of their learning.

Will smart class replace teachers in future?

No, Technology will never be able to replace the role of a teacher whether they are in front of the classroom or in front of a webcam

What is the difference between a Victorian classroom and a modern classroom?

Victorian classrooms were typically formal, with students in rows and the teacher at the front, focused on memorization and rote learning. Modern classrooms are more interactive, with flexible seating arrangements, technology integration, and emphasis on critical thinking and collaboration among students. Additionally, modern classrooms are more inclusive and diverse, reflecting a broader range of perspectives and experiences.

Are teachers aloud to stand in front of the door and not let you out the classroom?

Teachers are responsible for the students in their classrooms in a way similar to the way parents are responsible for their own children. This concept, called in loco parentis (in the place of the parent) requires teachers to look out for the safety of their students when the students are in their classrooms. There are many, many factors that could affect the answer to this question. Local rules, school rules, and especially the reason that the teacher decides to block the door would all be important in determining whether or not the teacher has the right to block the doorway. If the teacher had a reasonable suspicion that the students might be endangered by leaving the classroom, the teacher would probably be justified in blocking the door until the threat of danger had passed. (This could be a threat of a fight, the possibility of slipping and falling on spilled liquid, coming in contact with blood or other bodily secretions, or even a wasp flying in the hallway.)

What can you do when your teacher is British and is always correcting me and embarrassing people in front of the class and picks favorites and each time I see her I feel like hitting her?

Some British teachers are extremely strict and a classroom is for learning and some teachers believe in saying it like it is. Part of learning is to correct improper English. Teachers also always have their favorite students, but should never act upon it as it causes problems with the other students. The best thing to do is to stay after class and ask this particular teacher if you can speak with her in private when she has the time. When you do meet with her do not go with an 'attitude' but be mature and let her know that correcting you in front of the other students embarrasses you and ask why she does this. She may well have a good explanation. If the teacher is not treating you with the respect you give her then discuss the teacher with the school counselor or your parents.