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Q: How many ways can you express the number 1?
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How many ways can you express the number 2?

The number 2 can be expressed in many different ways. For example the number2 in roman numerals is expressed as II In binary the number 2 is expressed as 10 Different cultures both past and present also had there own ways of writing the number two The standard Chinese( simple numerals) expression is It can also be expressed many different ways through use of mathematical statements. A few examples are: 1+1, 3-1, 6/3. An algebraic expressions could be x - 6 = -4, x=2

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two possible ways 1 and the other number or the number an 1

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An infinite number of ways.

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Yes, there can be numerous ways to express the number one hundred, including "century," "C-note," "a hundred," "hundo," or "C."

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1 way to spell - FOUR

How do you epress a number as a fraction of another number?

you use the number you want to express as the fraction as the numerator and the other number is the denominator. an example is, "express 1 as a fraction of 4" you would write it as 1/4

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p = 0 0 < p < 1 p = 1

How many ways can you write 0.126 582?

Oh, what a delightful question! You can write 0.126582 in a few ways - as a fraction, it would be 126582/1,000,000 or simplified as 633/5,000. You could also express it as a percentage which would be 12.6582%. Remember, there are many ways to express numbers, each one as beautiful as the last.

How many ways can i write 740?

It is not possible to answer the question. There are infinitely many ways to express 740 as a sum of 2 numbers, an infinite number of ways to express it as a sum of 3 numbers, 4 numbers, ... , infinitely many numbers. And the same can be said for multiples of 2, 3, ... numbers. But you cannot write an infinite number of expressions. Perhaps you can start with 370+370, 371+369, 372+368, ... 740+0, 741-1, 742-2 and see how far you get in an hour. Then make a guess at your life expectancy and how many hours per day you are prepared to dedicate to this task. That will give you a maximum number of ways. It will be a maximum because you will slow down as the numbers get bigger and you have to write integers with tens of digits (I doubt that you will get that far).