There are 261 weekdays in 2010 excluding Bank Holidays.
You can use the following site to calculate the number of weekdays for any year up to 2037:
262 weekdays
There are 20 weekdays in February. At least that is how many there are in 2011. :-)
There are 130 weekdays in 26 weeks.
There are 5 weekdays. They are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Last year had 261 weekdays, This year there ate 260 weekdays, And next year has 261 weekdays.
There were 261 weekdays in 2010.
There were 486 weekdays and 194 weekend days.
484 weekdays and 194 weekend days.
If you're counting workdays or weekends, there are 194 weekdays and 78 weekend days.
There were 132 weekdays from the 1st of July 2010 until the 31st of December 2010.
262 weekdays
There were 260 weekdays in 2011.
In 2012 there were 261 weekdays.
The days of 2010 fall on the same weekdays as 2021.
261 weekdays
There are 20 weekdays in February. At least that is how many there are in 2011. :-)
There are 130 weekdays in 26 weeks.