week = 7 days
122 / 7 = 17 weeks and 3 days
This answer could vary if you were going by calender dates/weeks
It is: 122*7 = 854 days
122 days until march the 23rd 2011
124 days or 2976 hours
44530 days
44,560 days
There are 24 hours in one day. Therefore, 122 hours is equal to 122 / 24 = 5.083 recurring (that is, 5.083333..) days.
From 24th November 2009 it is 122 weeks (rounded down).
122 days.
there are 560 days in 80 weeks
From 24th November 2009 it is 122 weeks (rounded down).
Depending on whether it is between the starts or ends, the answer is between 121 and 130 weeks.
122 days.