Including May 1, there are 245 calendar days left in the year, or 35 weeks.
Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
For the 6 months of January, February, March, April, May and June, there are 25 weeks and 6 days in a normal year and 26 weeks in a leap year.
Not all months are the same length. Taking from the start of January in one year to the end of May of the following year, it would be 73 weeks and 4 days or 73 weeks and 5 days if one is a leap year.
There are 8.625 weeks in April and May combined.
8 weeks and 1 day.
There are about 4 weeks in a month, but more accurately 4 and 1/6 weeks. The first six months have 1 day less than 26 weeks,while the second six months have 2 days more than 26 weeks. At the end of January, there are about 48 weeks left. At the end of February, there are about 44 weeks left. At the end of March, there are about 39 weeks left. At the end of April, there are exactly 35 weeks left. At the end of May, there are about 30 weeks left. At the end of June, there are about 26 weeks left. At the end of July, there are about 22 weeks left. At the end of August, there are about 17 weeks left. At the end of September, there are about 13 weeks left. At the end of October, there are about 9 weeks left. At the end of November, there are about 4 weeks left.
Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
17 weeks in a normal year or 17 weeks and 1 day in a leap year.
32, almost 33
1 year = 52.177457 weeks
18 weeks and 2 days in a normal year and 18 weeks and 3 days in a leap year.
For the 6 months of January, February, March, April, May and June, there are 25 weeks and 6 days in a normal year and 26 weeks in a leap year.
52 weeks per year multiplied by 25 years = 1300 weeks. There may be more exact answers, but this is the basic math answer.
52 weeks= 1 year Subtract Jan.-April =about 16 52-16 =about 34or around that
In a non leap-year, there are exactly 14 weeks between the two dates. In a leap year, there are 14 weeks 1 day between the two dates.
May 2014 will have 4 and a half weeks.
Not all months are the same length. Taking from the start of January in one year to the end of May of the following year, it would be 73 weeks and 4 days or 73 weeks and 5 days if one is a leap year.