I'm assuming you mean how many weeks average in a month. The answer is 4.33 weeks average. There are 52 weeks in a year.
On average, 52.18 weeks
About 52 weeks
75 weeks is about 1.437 average years.
The average year has 52 weeks. 3651/4 days.
The salary for a construction worker will vary depending on the state and employer. Many construction workers, make an average of $1,400 every two weeks.
I'm assuming you mean how many weeks average in a month. The answer is 4.33 weeks average. There are 52 weeks in a year.
about to weeks
On average, 52.18 weeks
It takes a around 3 months and 3 weeks for the average worker in the US to earn enough to pay their taxes for the year. The day when a worker has earned enough to pay his or her taxes for the year is called Tax Freedom Day. For 2014, Tax Freedom Day fell on April 21st.
average of 6 weeks.
About 52 weeks
There should be at least be 40 weeks in pregnancy.
Average number of weeks in a month is 52 / 12 = 4.3333 (4 and one third).
The average pregnancy lasts for about 40 weeks (after the last period or 38 weeks after conception). The average fertility rate is 2.58 children per woman. So, the average woman is pregnant for about 103 weeks of her life.