Since this is just one year, there are 52 weeks from May 2011 to May 2012.
41 weeks and 6 days
52.28571428571429weeks 366days
none - we are in 2012 now
There were 52 weeks and 2 days in 2012.
There were 52 weeks and 2 days in 2012.
12 weeks 5 days
In January 2012 there were 4 weeks and 3 days.
12 weeks.
10 weeks
37 weeks and 5 days as of now, 4/11/2012.
April 2012 is about 78½ weeks after September 2010.
From February 25, 2012 to June 23, 2012 is 17 weeks, so there are 16 full weeks between the dates.
15 weeks and 6 days.
104.4 weeks