There are 20 weeks in 140 days.
20 weeks and 4 days.
There are: 142/7 = 20 weeks and 2 days
To calculate this, simply divide the number of days by seven days in one week. The answer is 20 weeks. (140 / 7 = 20 weeks)
Let's multiply; 7 days in a week x 20 weeks = 140 days
There are 20 weeks in 140 days.
20 weeks and 4 days.
There are: 142/7 = 20 weeks and 2 days
To calculate this, simply divide the number of days by seven days in one week. The answer is 20 weeks. (140 / 7 = 20 weeks)
There are 7 days in 1 week so 20 weeks will have 140 days.
21 weeks and 6 days.
Let's multiply; 7 days in a week x 20 weeks = 140 days
There are: 141/7 = 20 weeks and 1 day
how many weeks , months minutes and seconds in 20 years
38 days is about five and a half weeks.5 weeks and 3 days.