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11 weeks and 4 days

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Q: How many weeks pregnant are you at 81 gestational days?
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If you are 30 DPO How many weeks pregnant are you?

About 6 weeks and 2 days.

How many months pregnant are you if you are 4 weeks and 2 days pregnant?

1 month and 2 days.

How many days is it till im 12 weeks if im 11 weeks n 5 days pregnant today?

2 days

At how many weeks can tell that you are pregnant?

You should be able to tell from a home pregnancy test when you are fourteen days (two weeks) pregnant.

How many weeks pregnant was Michelle dugger when josie was born?

25 weeks 3 days

How many months are 40 weeks?

40 weeks is 10 months. is wrong Pregnancy is 9 months. Every month but february has about 4 and a half weeks in it (not 4 weeks). 4 weeks is 28 days, and usually months have 30 or 31 days. Also, you are really only pregnant for 38 weeks. The baby's gestational age is calculated from the first day of the mother's last period, which is about 2 weeks BEFORE conception (I know, it's weird). So you are pregnant almost exactly 9 months. 40 weeks = 9 months ¦ 4.445 weeks = 1 month

How many months are in 40 weeks?

40 weeks is 10 months. is wrong Pregnancy is 9 months. Every month but february has about 4 and a half weeks in it (not 4 weeks). 4 weeks is 28 days, and usually months have 30 or 31 days. Also, you are really only pregnant for 38 weeks. The baby's gestational age is calculated from the first day of the mother's last period, which is about 2 weeks BEFORE conception (I know, it's weird). So you are pregnant almost exactly 9 months. 40 weeks = 9 months ¦ 4.445 weeks = 1 month

How many days is a pit bull pregnant for?

9 weeks on average.

AT How many months does a Maltese give birth?

A dog's gestational period is about 9 weeks or 63 days. It doesn't matter what the breed.