Prefix tri means three so a tricycle has three wheels or a triangle has three sides.
3 Wheels on (a) Tricycle
A tricycle has three wheels.Therefore: 3 x 9 = 27 wheels in total.
3 wheels on a tricycle
No one has, and no one ever will.The "tri" in tricycle means three wheels, so you can't have a two-wheeled tricycle. It'll be a bicycle, or possibly a tricycle with one wheel missing.
yes xx
A tricycle.
the high wheel tricycle was made in 1889 and i found that out on another website so ya tada that is true ah tada hehe sup see ya
No, but my tricycle is.
It's a tricycle cargo bike, usually in what's called a "tadpole"(two wheel forward) configuration
It's a tricycle cargo bike, usually in what's called a "tadpole"(two wheel forward) configuration.
The answer is 36. All you have to do is think, how many wheels on one=3. Then you say 3x12=36. There you have it!
I dont know what an axle is but a wheel is a round shaped circle use for objects for instance like a car or train or a cart from walmart a tricycle . By jayona moore
It's a tricycle cargo bike, usually in what's called a "tadpole"(two wheel forward) configuration
A becak isn't a bicycle at all. Bicycles have two Wheels, becaks have three. a becak is a tricycle cargo bike, usually in what's called a "tadpole"(two wheel forward) configuration.
Germany designed the Kettler Tricycle in 1949. They designed it in order for children to play on it. They last for a long time like around many generations.