So, you want to know how many whole numbers there are between 10-99.
Easiest way to think of this is to ask yourself, how many pages did you read if you read 10-99 inclusive? At first thought you might say 99-10=89.
So, let's look at something easier. How many pages did you read if you read 2-5 INCLUSIVE? The answer is 4, not 3.
So, 99-10+1=90.
So, there are 90 whole numbers less than 100.
Or, 99 minus 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,and 9 (the only single digit #'s) = 90, not counting negative numbers.
There is no smallest whole number - negative numbers go on forever. Therefore, there are infinitely many whole numbers that are smaller than the greatest 2-digit number.
There are infinitely many whole numbers which are less than 20. Start with 19 and go back, beyond 0, to negative infinity.
There is no smallest whole number - negative numbers go on forever. Therefore, there are infinitely many whole numbers that are smaller than the greatest 2-digit number.
There are 30 whole numbers that are odd numbers less than 60 which are also positive. Otherwise, there are infinitely many of them.
There are 17 of them
There are infinitely many whole numbers which are less than 20. Start with 19 and go back, beyond 0, to negative infinity.
109 whole numbers greater than 9 and less than 999 are multiples of 9
9,000 of them are
100 (0-99)
There are 499 whole numbers that fit those conditions.