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Q: How many words are in the greek dictionary?
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What percentage of words in the dictionary have greek or latin sources?


Where does dictionary word came from?

the word dictionary came from a greek word "dicto" which means list of words.

How many words are in a dictionary?

There are about 30,000 words in Oxford Dictionary.

How many words are in polish dictionary?

The Polish language has around 300,000 words in its dictionary.

What words have the greek root dic in them?

dictate contradict unpredictable dictionary edict

When reading the scripture in Strong's commentary or in the lexicon what do the numbers after a word mean?

Strong's has a good Hebrew and Greek Dictionary at the end. The numbers referred to after specific words tell you where you can find the particular word in the dictionary. This is extremely helpful if you do not know either Hebrew or Greek, as you only need to know the number and whether it is going to be in the Hebrew or Greek dictionary. This is also quite simple as if the word is in the Old Testament it will be in the Hebrew dictionary, or if it is in the New Testament it will be in the Greek dictionary. Vines Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words also keys words to the numbers used in Strong's, as well as Strong's Exhaustive Concordance.

How many words are in the Japanese dictionary?

Depends on which dictionary you look at.

What does the greek word dict mean?

The Greek word "dict" means to say or speak. It is the root for words like "dictate" and "dictionary."

How many pages of words starting with k are in the dictionary?

Depends on the dictionary and the size of the font.

Does polycorn mean many horns in Greek?

A polycorn is a horse with many horns, according to the Urban Dictionary. It is not a Greek word.

How many words are in the Oxford English dictionary second ed?

how many words are there in the oxford English dictionary 2nd edition? thank you for your answer stormy

How many words in the English dictionary?

there are 479,623 words currently