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Q: How many words can you hear in 1 minute?
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If you type 1500 words in 1 hour how many words do you type per minute?

Your answer is 25 words per minute. Simple math: 1500 / 60 = 25.

What is the unit rate for 225 words in 1 minute?

It is 225 words per minute!

How many minute in one degree?

1/60 th of a degree = one minute. In other words, 60 minutes in 1 degree

How many letters can you text on a phone in 1 minute to be considered fast?

You can text 30 words

How can you get abs in one minute?

You can take the absolute value of any other value regardless of the unit of measurement (such as minutes). In other words |1 minute| is 1 minute and |-1 minute| is 1 minute. Are you asking a fitness question?

How many words in 1 minute speech?

About 30-50, depending on how often you take a breath.

What rhymes with Pele?

Pele is a complicated word, there are words that sound like it like 'orange' and 'horse'. There are words that have the same letters like ELEPhant and PEEL. Thank you for wasting about 1 minute of your life to hear something that will never help you.

How many second are they in 1 minute?

1 minute is 60 seconds.

How many hours a minute?

1 minute = 1/60 hours.

1 minute is how many seconds?

1 minute = 60 seconds

How many words are in a 3 - 4 minute speech?


How many degrees are in 1 minute?

1 minute = 1/60 degrees.