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Q: How many words does a ten minute speech take?
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How many words in 1 minute speech?

About 30-50, depending on how often you take a breath.

If you type 22 word per minute how many words should you type in 22 minute?

22 x 22 = 484 words, if you don't get tired or take any breaks

If someone types 50 words per minute how many hours will it take them to type 5000 words?

5000 word at 50 word per minute will take 5000/50 = 100 minutes or 1 hour 40 minutes.

How do you take reading counts test?

Well, Like if you mean how many words a minute can you read. Like is that what you mean?

Can you give an example of evocative speech?

A pervocative speech is when you give a lady a five minute monologue of why you want to take her out on a nice romantic dinner

Can you give me an examples of evocative speech?

"Her words painted a vivid picture of a sunset so beautiful that you could almost feel the warm colors washing over you."

1 min speech on money?

Doing a speech on money in one minute is easy. Just make sure you take about where it came from and how long it has been around.

How do you write a one minute speech on adventure?

To make a one minute speech on adventure, you would first have to choose an adventure. It could be any adventure, but a one minute speech is not very much time, so it would have to be something that would not take long to talk about. Some ideas are: canoeing on a fast moving river, hiking up a steep mountain, hunting morels in a woods, or even a shopping trip at a new store. You would want a short introduction, the body of the speech, and a short conclusion. Use descriptive words to make it interesting.

How many steps do you take in a minute?

About 100.

How many words would it take To write a 20 minute essay?

Ive just done one right now i did 526 words so i reckon 400-600+ is about normal

How long did it take Winston Churchill to prepare a speech?

I was recently told in my Toastmasters class that you should spend an hour preparing for every minute of your speech, a paradigm Churchill upheld for his speeches.

How many minutes does it take for the minute hand to move from one minute marker to the next?

One minute or 60 seconds