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The standard score on a words per minute typing test is considered to be 60 wpm. This minimum score measures both your overall keystroke rate (how many keys you actually hit in the minute) as well as your accuracy. Therefore, if you hit 70 keystrokes, but made 7 errors, your score would be 63 wpm.

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Q: How many words per minute is a person expected to type when taking words per minute typing tests?
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What is a good free website to calculate your words per minute typing?

Typing Dude is a good website to calculate your words per minute and accuracy. It's free and can be found at

How many words a minute is considered excellent on a typing test?

In general, anything above 50 wpm (words per minute) can be considered excellent, as it's above the average professional rate. Accomplished typists can surpass this rate by a good amount, but scores higher than 90 are rare.

In typing how are net words per minute calculated?

To determine net words a minute: Total words (5 characters = 1 word), divided by number of minutes of the timing, minus 2 for each error = nwpm So, if you typed 75 words in 3 minutes with 2 errors on the timing, you would calculate net words per minute as follows: 75 words, divided by 3 (number of minutes) = 25 gwpm (gross words per minute) minus 4 (2 errors) = 21 nwpm - (net words per minute)

How do you abbreviate school?

You abbreviate the word school by typing or writing sch. Choosing to write out the abbreviated form of certain words is useful when taking notes during classes or lectures at school or college.

If one man type an essay in 5 minutes and second in 10 minutes then if they start typing together then how much time they end there typing?

Rate(average of work) of 1st person=1/5, and Rate of 2nd person=1/10. when they will work together, rates will be added, so Net rate=1/5+1/10=3/10. so New time taken=1/(3/10)=10/3=3.33hrs

Related questions

What is Typing speed is measure by?

Typing speed is typically measured in words per minute (WPM), which is the number of words a person can type accurately in one minute. Accuracy is also an important factor when measuring typing speed, as errors can affect the overall speed.

How many words per minute can a fast typer type?

A professional typist types a lot of words per minute because their jobs depend on it. Many type between 60 and 75 words per minute if not more. It is possible to build your typing speed by practicing and taking advantage of speed typing tests.

How long would it take to type 272 words?

That depends on one's words per minute when typing, so it varies from person to person.

How many words per minute can an average person type?

A person with a basic typing skills can type, on average, 60 wpm.

Need to know my wpm (words per minute) by taking a free typing test, where can I do this?

hi there there you go that should be current Thanks.

Who is a person who is typing?

A person who is typing is called a typist.

Can a person type 300 words per minute?

No, that's impossible. According to Wikipedia: "The fastest typing speed ever, 216 words per minute, was achieved by Stella Pajunas-Garnand from Chicago in 1946 in one minute on an IBM electric."

What is a free typing test for?

A free typing test allows you to test how many words per minute you are typing so you can improve your typing abilities. There are several on line, but the best is mavis.

Can typing speed be measured in words per minute?


What does dpm mean in typing speed?

Digits Per Minute

What is considered good typing speed?

50 to 60 words per minute is considered as a pretty good speed for typing

What is 48 k on a s?

48 k on a s typically refers to 48,000 keystrokes per minute. This measurement is commonly used in data entry or typing speed assessments to determine how many keystrokes a person can input in a minute.