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Q: How many words per minute should an average 4th grader be able to read?
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In one minute he or she should be able to read 12 or 15 words.

How many words per minute does a 6th grader read?

A 6th grader should be reading around 160 per minute by the end of the sixth grade year.

How many words per minute should a first grader read per minute based on California standards?

107 WPM

How many words a minute should a first grader read?

A first grade student isn't tested on the number of words read a minute. They are tested on how many words that they read correctly on a page.

What is the average WPM for a fourth grader?

This varies according to the study in question, but appears to cluster around the range of 90-130 words per minute, at least for native English readers.

How fast should a sixth grader type?

Im in 7th grade, I type 95 wpm... but that's a gift lol Most of my friends type 10-40wpm

How many words per minute should a 7th grade type?

The average 7th grader should type about 25 WPM (Words Per Minute). The average for an adult is around 40 WPM. However, now-a-days, children are spending more time on the computers thus, increasing their typing speed. So as of 2012, I would say about 30-35 WPM for a seventh grader. How do I know? I am in the seventh grade and type over 100 WPM and the rest of the seventh graders type around 10-35 (My school has slow typists but me O_O) If anyone wishes to increase their typing speed, use online sites. (There's one that you can compete against real people)

What is the average dictation words per minute?


What does nwpm mean?

Net words per minute. referring to an average count of how many words you can type in one minute.

How many words per minute can an average receptionist type?

An average receptionist can type around 40-50 words per minute. With practice and training, some receptionists can type even faster, up to 60-70 words per minute.

The average speaking rate is?

120 words per minute.

What is the ratio of 250 words in 5 minutes?

That is an average of 50 words per minute.