2.59259 cubic yard
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 420 feet is equal to 420/3 = 140 yards.
420 inches=35 feet
420 m = 459.317 yd
420 centimeters is equal to 166.007905 inches
420 yards is about 460 (459.318) meters.
2.59259 cubic yard
There are 3 feet in one yard. Therefore, 420 feet is equal to 420/3 = 140 yards.
420 mm = 16.5 inches
420 inches=35 feet
420 m = 459.317 yd
420 centimeters is equal to 166.007905 inches
One yard is equal to three feet. Therefore, 420 yards is equal to 420 x 3 = 1260 feet.
12 inches = 1 foot 420 inches = 35 feet.
58.33333 sq. yards
1260 feet = 420 yards
140 yards is 420 feet (there are 3 feet in each yard).